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Skytek’s technology used in SAGRES project reported its first success case in saving lives at sea.

Skytek’s technology used in SAGRES project

Skytek is a partner on the European FP7 research project SAGRES, which aims to implement and test the high time critical, intelligence driven maritime surveillance component of EUROSUR (FRONTEX). The research is addressing two reference scenarios dealing respectively with tracking vessels over high seas and punctual monitoring of third country ports and coasts.

Thanks to the analysis processed on the satellite image taken on 16.09.2014 evening a small boat was detected at high seas with migrants in distress. This enabled the location of a ship with human beings on-board in the Mediterranean Sea, which became lost due to an engine failure, 2014-09.  The 38 migrants (including 8 women and 3 babies) on-board were rescued and their lives saved.   The rescue happened during a recent SAGRES trial in the Mediterranean Sea.  This success case shows how Earth Observation technology can support high time critical maritime surveillance and how this technology can be used to save lives at sea. The contribution of SAGRES has been essential as the EO-based ship detection permitted reducing the initial huge area and this eased the search mission.
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